Notes on your Bible selection


Philadelphia (revival and biblical) verses Laodicea (apostasy and anti-biblical)


You have the choice between:


(1) A Protestant Reformation ancient Bible-believers’ HOLY Bible which builds faith (Romans 10:17) in the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Scriptures—which contains scores of Christological and doctrinal readings...




(2) A Roman Catholic Dark Ages philosophers’ (Colossians 2:8) bible which raises doubt (Genesis 3:1) in the footnotes, dishonors Christ (1 John 2:18, 22) by removing His name and titles scores of times, deletes 17 entire New Testament passages, deifies the devil in Isaiah 14, and is based on the minority text from North Africa: where Israel was called out of bondage and enslavement!!!


Also the modern versions are theologically watered-down.  They don’t even include Biblical terms like “remission”, “impute”, “doctrine”, “dispensation”, “Godhead”, “Jehovah”, “Calvary”, “Easter”, “sodomite”, “fornication”, “whoremonger”, “mercyseat”, “regeneration”, “testament”, “study”, “science”, “superstitious”, or “propitiation”.


Thus your choice is between Christians who promoted the Lord Jesus Christ or Arians & Jehovah’s Witnesses who demoted Him.  You pick!  I’ll go with those whose Bibles exalted the Son of God.  By the way, the King James Version is the only English Bible that exalts Christ’s Sonship with “the Son of God” in Daniel 3:25 and “the Son of man” in Daniel 7:13—all the other bibles blow it big time!!! ¶ The AV (1611) is the only Bible that tells you to "Study" (2 Tim. 2:15) the Bible and "Search the Scriptures" (John 5:39).  All of the modern perversions have removed God's New Testament commandments to study the Bible and search the scriptures.  This is highly significant because this is the only place where the commandment to study the Bible is given.  And it tells you how to do it: "rightly dividing the word of truth"—they take that out too!  What a bunch of lying depraved hypocrites and slaves of darkness!!!  Can you imagine just how 'spiritual' a 'minister' is who commends a bible version that removes the commandment to "Study" the Bible!  About as carnal as a tray of rotten meatloaf.  ¶ Then these pervert idoits (who actually think they are godly) commend bible versions that deny the holy Incarnation in 1 Timothy 3:16!  That is an "ANTICHRIST" according to Apostle John (1 John 4:3; 2 John 7).



The Christological blunders in the Book of Acts in the modern versions:


·        “Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 15:11, 16:31, 20:21) [AV]

·        “Lord Jesus” (Acts 15:11, 16:31, 20:21) [NIV, NAB, NWT, GNT, NRSV, HCSB, NLT]


Hell or Grave


·        “The wicked shall be turned into hell” (Psalms 9:17 KJV) !!!

·        “The wicked return to the grave” (Psalms 9:17 NIV) ???


(A small sample of errors.)

Definite article removed

The NRSV downgrades Jesus Christ and His atonement by removing the definite article “the” in Matthew 27:4 and Philippians 2:8.  This is a subtle satanic slight to our Lord.

Want another witness?  The Holy Ghost prophesied Christ’s betrayal in Psalm 94:21 and said His blood was “THE INNOCENT BLOOD”.

The NRSV also removed the “Praetorium” from Mark 15:26; and eliminated the entire verse in Mark 15:28 (where the Holy Spirit cited Isaiah 53:12)!!!

¶ The theological phrase “for us”—referring to Christ’s vicarious suffering on the Cross has been removed from 1 Cor. 5:7, 1 Pet. 4:1, and Heb. 9:12 in the NRSV.

¶ I think it was Christmas of 2020—my Aunt gave me a Christmas card that was designed by her local Presbyterian church.  It had a pretty painting of a forest and moonlight, but inside the card I had to laugh.  Let me explain.  It was an announcement of Christ’s birth with a quotation from Mark 1:1-3.  However, the quotation was from the NRSV!  So it said “Isaiah” in Mark 1:2, instead of “the prophets” which is the correct reading from the AV.  This is obviously a tremendous error in the NRSV because right after “Isaiah” is credited, Malachi is cited.  There are two quotations in Mark 1:2-3: one from Malachi (Mal. 3:1) and one from Isaiah (Is. 40:3).  That’s why the King James rightly says “prophets”, instead wrongly attributing them both to “Isaiah”.